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Website Design Tip, Tricks and Tutorials

Welcome to our tutorial section. You'll be able to find everything you need to know here from how to setup your email account to how to market your website and everything in between.

  • Setting up Outlook as your email client for the InDemand email service. - Email is one of those basic uses for the Internet that everyone uses. But sometimes setting up the email software can be frustrating. Check out our step by step process, with screenshots, to make this as easy as possible.

  • Setting up Outlook Express as your email client - Outlook Express is a simple email client. While it doesn't have all of the features the full Outlook offers, it was included along with the operating system or as a free download. While Outlook Express has been recently replaced by Windows Mail, we're including a brief instruction set for anyone using an older computer and needing help.

  • CSS Tutorials

  • Domain Setup Checklist