Website Design![]() Why you should select a quality local domain hostFinding the right hosting solution is the most important part of your online business plan. An inadequate hosting partner or webserver will ruin you business faster than any other outside factor! So it is extremely important to find a domain host who has the ability to handle all of your current needs but also have the ability to grow with you into the future. How do you select the right host for your needs? Is there a domain host that can provide top notch service and technical support and still be affordable? These are great questions that have significant impact on your business.Victoria BC: Website Domain Hosting PricingWe offer competitive pricing for all website businesses big or small and have unparalleled service! Below you will find our basic website hosting plans. If you are looking for dedicated or semi-dedicated hosting plans we can provide a quote. Semi -dedicated server hosting plans start at $80.00 a month and dedicated hosting plans start at $199.99 a month. Contact us today for your quote!If you are looking for affordable domain registration services then please click here >>>
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