Our Free Email Reminder software takes care of making sure you don't forget important dates such as doctors appointments, business meetings, birthdays. Let us do the remembering for you.
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Email Reminders from Indemand Sales and Solutions

Are you looking for a free online reminder service?
Our email reminder system has you covered!

Ever felt you should carry a dayplanner? Maybe you realized you just missed your dad's birthday, or maybe missed drinks with your buddies? Perhaps you scheduled two important meetings in two different places for the same time? We know EXACTLY how that feels, and in an effort to avoid these pitfalls ourselves, we've developed an automatic email reminder service to not only help us, but help you as well.

Just click above to register and our servers will help you remember everything on time, without the hassle of post-it notes, scrap paper or a dayplanner. You'll receive your important reminders via email.

It costs you nothing to give the reminder service a try, so enjoy the peace of mind that comes from not forgetting and sign up today!